Parochial high school sports programs are expensive to start and maintain. While each sport is typically responsible for promoting and facilitating their We depend on a few fundraising opportunities throughout the year.
These efforts are only successful with the help of volunteers and hours of dedication. Thank you you everyone who makes these fundraiser opportunities a success!
Football/Student Scholarship - McGarr Euchre Tournament
2025 marks the 26th year for this well-known euchre tournament, which supports BBHS students (annual scholarship thanks to the McGarr family) and the Mustang Football Program organized by the Horse Power Club.
Boys Basketball
- Trash For Cash -
Typically for the boys basketball program, where the team is assigned a stretch of highway and spends 2-3 hours walking along side the road, picking up trash for cash.

Volleyball & Softball Euchre Tournament
In 2024, the softball and volleyball teams combined efforts to raise money for their programs by hosting an annual euchre tournament.
