Brossart Junior High Colts mprove To 4-1 WIth 26-0 Win Over covCath in Park Hills
Tripp Wilson and Nolan Kramer
Will Webster
Tripp Wilson Up Close
Loose Ball - #52-Alex Twehues, #54-John Kremer
Quarterback Landon Spaulding
Luke Kohls On the Run
Nolan Kramer Profile
Landon Ruth and Nolan Kramer
Anthony Schuck
Findley Schultz and Nolan Kramer Block
Matthew Riegler Off To Races
Thanks to Shannon Kramer for sharing these photos with us!!!
Anthony Schuck Carries The Piggy
Will Webster - Mission Accomplished
Teammates - Tripp Wilson and Findley Schultz
Double Trouble - Unknown Tackler and Luke Kohls. Will Sandfosss looks on
Landon Ruth and Nolan Kruse
Colonel In Trouble
It seems that since I don’t know the players on the Colts team like I do the members of our varsity, I missed the fact both here and on the NCC broadcast that we have two players who wear #51 – both Nolan Kruse and Matthew Goering. I now know that Kruse wears a solid green jersey, and that Goering’s contains stripes. I appreciate that info since we have another broadcast coming up next Wednesday. It seems that Kruse had quite a game against CovCath Wednesday night with 9 tackles, 5 sacks, and a pair of fumble recoveries. Thanks for the info.