Author name: Dave Schabell


David Govan Honored As NKBBCA Division II All-Star – Schabs Named To Court of Distinction – Updated 500 Points Club List

The 2022 Boys Basketball Post-Season Banquet Circuit kicked off Sunday afternoon at Covington Catholic High School when the Northern Kentucky Boys Basketball Coaching Association gathered to honor the Division I, II, and III All Stars.  David Govan was among twelve Division II players honored.  Jacob Meyer from Holy Cross was named the Division II Player […]


Melvin Webster, Remembered

In addition to Mel Webster passing away unexpectedly last week, there were several other notable events that took place:  Facebook stock plunged, Donald Trump’s Approval Rating skyrocketed, Northern Kentucky lost one of its few U.C. Bearcats Fans, the Bengals lost a detractor, and one less person will point out the shortcomings of the University of


Thomas Sayers – “That’s My Boy” Experience

In a year where many of our players and coach have received prestigious awards, Thomas Sayers was one of four finalists from Northern Kentucky for the “That’s My Boy” award.  The Black Tie Affair, “That’s My Boy” Banquet, took place on Thursday, February 24th at the Original Montgomery Inn.  Gabe Savage from Ryle High School

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